
Government entities are shouldered with an array of challenges. Budget cuts, strained revenue sources, increased overhead costs, and continual changes to accounting standards are just the tip of the iceberg. We understand the demand you face to structure and efficiently utilize your resources.
Your Governmental Services Experience
At Suttle & Stalnaker PLLC, our government professionals are skilled in providing regulated compliance services and consulting on special situations. We go beyond traditional audit services to help our government clients find ways to improve profits and cut costs, create seamless operations, and minimize risk. With extensive roots in government, we know how to benchmark our clients and provide time and resource-saving best practices around internal controls, fraud prevention, and accounting systems.
We have experience serving:
- Boards of Education
- Cities and Towns
- Colleges and Universities
- Conservation Districts
- County Commissions
- Public Employee Retirement Systems
- Public Service Districts
- State Departments and Agencies
- Transportation Authorities
- and more
Your Government Team
We take the time to get to know your organization inside and out; it’s what allows us to provide a quality product and exceptional service. The care and attention we provide is year-round; through notifying you of changes to accounting standards or with helpful industry trends, we consider ourselves a partner to your success.
Industry and Association Engagement:
- AICPA Governmental Audit Quality Center
- Government Finance Officers Association
- West Virginia Department of Education
- Association of School Business Officials
Domestic & International Reach:
- Allinial Global – an association of independent accounting firms with offices throughout North America and the world. This partnership offers us the ability to help our clients no matter the issue.
Specialized Governmental Services:
- Audit & Attest Services
- Financial statement audits
- Compliance audits including Single Audits performed in accordance with the Uniform Guidance
- Agreed-upon procedures
- Financial statement reviews
- Operations audits
- Internal audits
Audit Preparation Assistance
- Financial statement preparation assistance
- Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA) preparation assistance
- New GASB Standard implementation
- GASB 34 conversions
- Calculation and preparation of schedules required by GASB 68, GASB 75, and GASB 87
- Assistance with preparation of annual comprehensive financial reports and submission to GFOA Certificate Program
General Operations & Consulting
- Technical research
- Strategic planning
- Assistance with development and installation of internal controls
- Physical inventory counts
- Monitoring for pass-through/sub-recipient funding
- Cash flow forecasting
- Budgeting assistance
- Outsourced CFO services
- Bookkeeping
- Bank reconciliation preparation
- Assistance with the bid process
- Cybersecurity
- Information security
Special Engagements
- Fraud investigations